Meridian Technologies:

Meridian RE-Q is a technology that intelligently and discreetly optimises the audio system to the precise acoustics of the listening environment, preserving the natural rhythm of the performance. 

By analysing not only the frequency domain, but also the time-domain, Meridian RE-Q ensures accurate low-frequency performance, ensuring the clarity and definition. At the same time, it allows tailoring of the wideband frequency response to match a desired target curve.


Reflective surfaces in the listening environment result in standing waves or modes that resonate. This causes certain frequencies to sound much louder than others or take much longer to decay and leads to an uneven and boomy bass. Conventional correction techniques often involve inverse filters which result in unnatural pre-echo in the correction filters and don't take into account the time-domain behaviour of the space.


By measuring and considering not only the amplitude but also the decay time of each frequency we can generate subtle, transparent, minimum-phase filters to ensure a uniform bass decay curve with no unwanted pre-echo in the correction filters. At the same time, additional filters can be designed to match the wideband response to a desired target curve, also using minimum-phase filters.


Meridian RE-Q’s low-frequency correction results in a tighter and more natural bass which delivers a more impactful sense of rhythm. Whether listening to your favourite band or audiobook, it’s heard with the upmost clarity, exactly as it should be. Furthermore, RE-Q’s wideband correction allows tailoring of the system response to match a desired target curve.

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Meridian Technologies: