Our engineers helped shape the future of high-quality, immersive in-car audio entertainment through an exciting collaboration with Human Horizon HiPhi X Super Electric SUVs.

Unlocking this premium experience was our expertise in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technologies and the automotive environment. By tuning the HiPhi X Super Electric SUV’S audio systems and integrating DSP technologies within them, we created an experience of unparalleled quality, connecting all occupants with the emotions of an original musical performance.

Whilst tuning the HiPhi X Super Electric SUV’S audio systems, our engineers developed two sound systems, Sonic Line and Sonic Pro through their ‘human-centric’ and ‘holistic’ approach to audio design. These sound systems integrate a host of our proprietary DSP technologies.

The tuning process first involved measuring the drive units, adjusting delays and crossovers, and applying an initial EQ. Then, deploying psychoacoustic principles and integrating and calibrating a host of our proven DSP technologies, including RE-Q, Intelli-Q, Horizon and Perfect Balance. We utilised our in-depth knowledge of psychoacoustics to optimise DSP performance to create an optimal listening experience for every occupant.

Intelli-Q and Horizon are at the core of this innovative solution.

Intelli-Q is our dynamic sound optimisation technology that utilises data from the vehicle, such as, its speed to dynamically adjust the audio and provide a consistent listening experience. Intelli-Q also considers other factors, such as, whether the windows are open or not, to calibrate the sound and accommodate any situation. For the HiPhi X models, Sonic Line & Sonic Pro, the customer has control over the level of Intelli-Q applied, through the audio settings.

Meridian Horizon is our proprietary mixing technology which provides an immersive audio experience for all passengers by creating centre and surround channel content from traditional stereo audio whilst retaining the timbre of the original sound.

The Sonic Line sound system is featured in the HiPhi X standard model. Consisting of nine loudspeakers, four woofers, four tweeters and a centre channel, Sonic Line benefits from Re-Q, Horizon, Digital Precision, Perfect Balance, and Intelli-Q.

The HiPhi X Founders Edition model is equipped with the Sonic Pro sound system and contains the same DSP technologies as the Sonic Line system, but offers seventeen loudspeakers, including mid-ranges, surround channels and a sub-woofer. With Meridian’s Horizon technology and the addition of surrounds and a centre channel, the Sonic Pro features two options, which provide the end user with control over both the sound field and immersion level, controllable through the audio settings. These are ‘centre image control’ and ‘immersion control’.

The centre image control allows the user to fine tune the position of central sources in the programme material, ranging from the nearside door to the centre of the instrument panel. Immersion control gives users the ability to alter the level of surround content within the cabin to vary the level of immersion experienced.

"We’re proud of our work with the Human Horizon HiPhi X Super Electric SUVs. The end result is a really, really balanced sound system, that is very easy to listen to for long periods of time. Whilst driving or equally as a passenger, HiPhi X customers should really be able to enjoy the music in a deeply immersive listening experience"

Dr Michael Cousins, Meridian’s Lead Automotive Engineer

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